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le 25 et le 26 janvier 2025 | CUPE Kingston Area Office, Kingston (Ontario) | Anglais | $50 (Affilié) | $75 (Non-affilié)
Financial Essentials & Financial Officers
le 3 au 7 février 2025 | Windsor (Ontario) | Anglais
One in three Canadians will experience a mental health problem at some point in their life. The earlier a problem is detected and treated, the better the outcome. Mental Health First Aid Canada gives people the skills to provide that early help that is so important in recovery.. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Just as physical first aid is administered to an injured person before medical treatment can be obtained, MHFA is given until appropriate treatment is found or until the crisis is resolved., , The MHFA Canada program aims to improve mental health literacy, and provide the skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential or developing mental health problems in themselves, a family member, a friend or a colleague, The program does not teach people how to be therapists. It does teach people how to: recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and provide initial help.
le 8 et le 9 février 2025 | London (Ontario) | Anglais
Explore your rights & obligations under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. The two-day model is filled with presentations, videos, and discussions. Who should attend: WSIB representatives, Workers’ Compensation activists, RTW specialists, union leadership and union stewards, H&S representatives and activists, supervisors and employers, and young workers.

Course Overview:
» History & Principles of Workers’ Compensation
» Types of Injuries and Illnesses
» Reporting an Injury and Filing a Claim
» Legal Tests for Entitlement
le 10 et le 11 février 2025 | Hamilton Area Office, Hamilton (Ontario) | Anglais
Cet atelier porte sur les règles de procédure encadrant la présidence d'une assemblée syndicale. Vous apprendrez le rôle de la présidence et les divers éléments de l'assemblée (proposition, amendement, rappel au règlement, etc.). Vous aurez aussi l'occasion de mettre vos apprentissages en pratique.

N.B. : s.v.p. apporter les règlements de votre section locale à l'atelier.
le 19 au 21 février 2025 | CUPE Local 4705, Copper Cliff (Ontario) | Anglais | $20 (Affilié) | $20 (Non-affilié)
WSIB Level I - Rights and Obligations. This introductory course begins by exploring the history of the compensation system in Ontario and the development of compensation legislation and the general principles of the system. Participants will learn how the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) determines whether an injury is compensable and learn about some workplace injuries and occupational illnesses. The course covers how to properly file a claim, and includes the timelines that are applicable. Worker and Employer obligations are covered as well as roles and responsibilities with respect to work reintegration. The WSIB work reintegration policies are discussed and the new direction that the Board is taking with respect to returning workers to their pre-injury job with the injury employer. Shared responsibilities are also discussed and ways in which unions should participate in work reintegration are explored.
le 20 février 2025 | Local 1022, Belleville (Ontario) | Anglais
Pour bien fonctionner, une section locale doit avoir de bons règlements. Dans cet atelier, vous apprendrez les principes de base des bons règlements et comment vous assurer qu’ils soient conformes aux Statuts nationaux du SCFP. Nous allons également voir comment les règlements rédigés en langage clair aident nos membres à s'engager dans le travail syndical.

N.B. : s.v.p. apporter les règlements de votre section locale à l'atelier.
le 20 février 2025 | CUPE Kenora Area Office, Kenora (Ontario) | Anglais | $50
Dans cet atelier, les membres de comités de mobilisation de sections locales se familiariseront avec des moyens efficaces de mobilisation des membres avant et pendant le processus de négociation.

REMARQUE : Cet atelier vise les membres du comité de mobilisation.
le 27 et le 28 février 2025 | CUPE North Bay Area Office, North Bay (Ontario) | Anglais
Le rôle des secrétaires-archivistes est essentiel à la force de la section locale.
Vous apprendrez à :
• écrire les procès-verbaux aux réunions ;
• organiser les fichiers ;
• traiter et écrire la correspondance ; et
• communiquer efficacement avec les membres.

N.B. : s.v.p. apporter vos règlements, un exemplaire de vos convocations de réunions, un exemplaire de vos procès-verbaux et un ordinateur ou tablette (si vous en avez) à l'atelier.
le 28 février 2025 | Sheraton Parkway North, Richmond Hill (Ontario) | Anglais
OUWCC Conference - Solidarity with Indigenous Workers
le 17 et le 18 mars 2025 | Holiday Inn Express, Brockville (Ontario) | Anglais
Grievance Handling, Handling Discipline & Discharge and Duty of Fair Representation
le 18 et le 19 mars 2025 | CUPE Local 4705, Copper Cliff (Ontario) | Anglais | $20 (Affilié) | $20 (Non-affilié)
One in three Canadians will experience a mental health problem at some point in their life. The earlier a problem is detected and treated, the better the outcome. Mental Health First Aid Canada gives people the skills to provide that early help that is so important in recovery.. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Just as physical first aid is administered to an injured person before medical treatment can be obtained, MHFA is given until appropriate treatment is found or until the crisis is resolved., , The MHFA Canada program aims to improve mental health literacy, and provide the skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential or developing mental health problems in themselves, a family member, a friend or a colleague, The program does not teach people how to be therapists. It does teach people how to: recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health problems and provide initial help.


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