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Annulé : HS - Basics of Incident Investigations & HS - Making Committees Work
Local 3999 Workshops
Introduction au SCFP (SCL)
BARG - Notetaking for bargaining & BARG - How Bargaining Works
FALL 2024 Weeklong School - Whistler
SLS - Grievance handling & SLS - Handling discipline and discharge
Health and Safety - An Introduction - Part 1 & 2 (OLS)
Introduction pour les personnes déléguées syndicales
HS - Basics of Incident Investigations | HS - Making Committees Work
SLS - Notetaking & SLS - Representing members in front of management
SLS - Grievance Handling & SLS - Notetaking (OLS)
SLS - Duty of fair representation & Grievance handling
FESL - Finances: notions de base
FESL - Agents financiers
Obligation d'accommodement
BARG - How Bargaining Works & BARG - Notetaking for bargaining
Introduction to Stewarding - Part 1 & 2 (OLS)
SLS - Grievance handling & SLS - Handling discipline and discharge
SLS - Disability and ableism in the workplace & SLS - Challenging racism in the workplace
Introduction pour les personnes déléguées syndicales
Devoir de représentation (SCL)
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