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le 27 avril au 2 mai 2025


Salle de cours


David Saunders Weeklong Memorial School

Local Executive Training 1

FESL - Les essentielles pour des syndicats inclusifs
le 28 avril 2025 (9 h à 16 h) (complêt)

En tant que militants dans nos syndicats, nous demandons souvent pourquoi les membres ne sont pas plus impliqués. Cet atelier pose la question différemment : Qui est impliqué, qui ne l'est pas et pourquoi ? Comment nos préjugés inconscients pourraient-ils y contribuer ? Comment pouvons-nous représenter les membres d'une manière qui invite les membres plus marginalisés à s'impliquer et à voir le syndicat comme un endroit où ils veulent faire la différence ?

FESL - Exécutif prêt à résoudre des conflits
le 29 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Dans cet atelier, les participants exploront: - l'importance du conflit pour un travail d'équipe efficace ; - l'influence que notre approche au conflit peut avoir sur la façon qu'on y répond ; - les différents types de conflits au sein d'un exécutif ; - des façons productives de résoudre un conflit.

FESL - Procédure d'assemblée
le 30 avril 2025 (9 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Cet atelier porte sur les règles de procédure encadrant la présidence d'une assemblée syndicale. Vous apprendrez le rôle de la présidence et les divers éléments de l'assemblée (proposition, amendement, rappel au règlement, etc.). Vous aurez aussi l'occasion de mettre vos apprentissages en pratique. N.B. : s.v.p. apporter les règlements de votre section locale à l'atelier.

FESL - L'essentiel du leadership pour les membres de l’exécutif
le 1 mai 2025 (9 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Quel genre de leader suis-je ? Quel genre de section locale sommes-nous ? Quelle est notre place dans le mouvement syndical ? Apprenez à utiliser le pouvoir de votre fonction d’élu pour bâtir le pouvoir du syndicat, permettre aux autres membres de s’impliquer et renforcer la solidarité au sein du mouvement syndical et de nos collectivités.

Local Executive Training 2

FESL - Notions de base des règlements
le 28 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Pour bien fonctionner, une section locale doit avoir de bons règlements. Dans cet atelier, vous apprendrez les principes de base des bons règlements et comment vous assurer qu’ils soient conformes aux Statuts nationaux du SCFP. Nous allons également voir comment les règlements rédigés en langage clair aident nos membres à s'engager dans le travail syndical. N.B. : s.v.p. apporter les règlements de votre section locale à l'atelier.

FESL - Devoir de juste représentation
le 28 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Apprenez les fondements de votre devoir de représenter les membres de votre syndicat, les obligations légales de représentation juste et comment elles s'appliquent à votre convention collective et d’autres lois qui couvrent votre lieu de travail.

FESL - Des meilleures réunions
le 29 avril 2025 (9 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Have you ever sat through a meeting, either as a participant or a facilitator that you knew could be more focused, efficient, inclusive, or effective? We use Bourniot's rules of parliamentary procedure to make important decisions in a way that is fair. But sometimes a different kind of conversation is needed to be inclusive and build our movement. In this workshop, executive members learn a how to find and lead the right process for the work that needs to get done.

FESL - Procédure d'assemblée
le 30 avril 2025 (9 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Cet atelier porte sur les règles de procédure encadrant la présidence d'une assemblée syndicale. Vous apprendrez le rôle de la présidence et les divers éléments de l'assemblée (proposition, amendement, rappel au règlement, etc.). Vous aurez aussi l'occasion de mettre vos apprentissages en pratique. N.B. : s.v.p. apporter les règlements de votre section locale à l'atelier.

FESL - Les essentielles pour des syndicats inclusifs
le 1 mai 2025 (9 h à 16 h) (complêt)

En tant que militants dans nos syndicats, nous demandons souvent pourquoi les membres ne sont pas plus impliqués. Cet atelier pose la question différemment : Qui est impliqué, qui ne l'est pas et pourquoi ? Comment nos préjugés inconscients pourraient-ils y contribuer ? Comment pouvons-nous représenter les membres d'une manière qui invite les membres plus marginalisés à s'impliquer et à voir le syndicat comme un endroit où ils veulent faire la différence ?

Labour Law

Labour Law
le 28 avril (9 h) au 2 mai 2025 (midi) (complêt)

Examination of various aspects of labour law including an overview of the Labour Relations Act. Discipline and Discharge, Last Chance Agreements and will include a section on e-mails, blogging and Facebook. We will also explore some contract interpretation issues such as estoppel, past practice, work of the bargaining unit and types of job promotion languages. Please bring your collective agreement with you. Please note: Introduction to Stewarding is a pre-requisite for the Labour Law workshop.

WSIB Bundle

WSIB Level I - Rights and Obligations
le 28 avril (9 h) au 2 mai 2025 (midi) (complêt)

The first of six core certification courses offered within Prevention Link’s disability prevention curriculum. This introductory course begins by exploring the history of Ontario’s compensation system and the development of legislation and the general principles of the system. Participants learn the basics of a disability prevention framework, including: Types of workplace injuries and occupational illnesses; The legal tests applied by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) when considering entitlement; The method to report an injury; The steps to initiate a claim; Reporting strategies, including time limits and potential penalties. Worker and employer obligations are covered as well as roles and responsibilities regarding return to work (RTW). The WSIB return to work policies are discussed with a focus on the Duty to Accommodate. The role and responsibilities of workplace parties in the return to work process with the primary goal of returning workers to their pre-injury job with the injury employer are examined. Disability Prevention best practices and shared responsibilities are discussed and ways in which unions should participate in return to work are explored. Leading research shows that a collaborative and cooperative approach to return to work following the hierarchy of jobs, leads to better outcomes for both workers and employers. Protections under other legislation are also discussed should a return to work plan not provide sufficient protection to a worker.

WSIB Level II - Benefits and Services
le 28 avril (9 h) au 2 mai 2025 (midi) (complêt)

In the second of six core certification courses, offered within Prevention Link’s core curriculum, participants will become familiar with the significance of legislation (WSIA), regulations, and policies, including the history of legislative change and Bills that have amended the WSIA. Participants will: Explore changes to the legislation and their effects on benefits and services; Discuss the benefits and services available under three district eras; Explore benefit calculations including Non-Economic Loss (NEL) and Loss of Earnings (LOE). The structure of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the internal and external appeal systems are described. The adjudication process is detailed and participants follow the flow of a claim through the system, including problem resolution and the appeal process at all levels. The structure of a Board file is presented, and through extensive sample file examination, participants explore how to effectively review a file and make a case plan to move a claim forward and different types of evidence to use. Participants will learn skills to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing with the many professionals involved including workers, employers, witnesses and health care professionals. Participants learn which employers are covered, optional insurance and how the system is funded, including how incentive programs and experience rating functions and when claim costs can be transferred.

Bargaining Solidarity

NÉGO - Solidarité en négociation
le 28 avril (9 h) au 2 mai 2025 (midi) (complêt)

Cet atelier incorpore un jeu de rôles intensif pour aider les militants syndicaux à développer les habiletés dont ils ont besoin pour renforcer et maintenir la solidarité tout au long du processus de négociation. Les discussions incluent l’analyse des forces internes et externes qui influencent la négociation collective, l’identification de stratégies et de tactiques efficaces pour engager les membres et les moyens qui peuvent être pris pour atteindre les membres marginalisés. REMARQUE : Cet atelier vise les militants qui souhaitent apprendre comment utiliser la négociation collective comme outil de renforcement syndical. Ce n’est pas un atelier d’apprentissage de la négociation.

Navigating Interpersonal Conflic

Navigating Interpersonal and Group Conflict
le 28 avril (9 h) au 2 mai 2025 (midi) (complêt)

Conflict is a part of our lives – at work, in the union, and at home. In this workshop we’ll build our conflict skills by looking at: • How our beliefs about conflict and our conflict style affect what happens in a conflict. • Sources of conflict in the union and at work. • Conflict dynamics, cultural differences and power • Choosing the best response in a conflict. • Conflict communication skills and difficult conversations

Steward Learning Series

SDS - Traitement des griefs
le 28 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Partagez des astuces et de bonnes pratiques avec d’autres délégués et apprenez des stratégies pour gérer les griefs difficiles. N.B. : s.v.p. apporter votre convention collective et Manuel pour la personne déléguée syndicale à l'atelier.

SDS - Devoir de représentation
le 28 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h)

Apprenez d’où vient l’autorité des personnes déléguées syndicales au travail, le devoir de représentation et d’autres lois concernant le lieu de travail. N.B. : s.v.p. apporter votre Manuel de la personne déléguée syndicale à l'atelier.

SDS - Contrer le racisme au travail
le 29 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Cet atelier couvre les différents aspects du racisme sur le lieu de travail, et le rôle que vous pouvez jouer en tant que personne déléguée syndicale pour le contrer.

SDS - Médiation de conflits entre membres
le 29 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Pratiquez comment coacher les membres qui sont au cœur de conflits avec d’autres membres et travaillez avec une approche en 4 étapes de la méthode de médiation de base.

SDS - Comprendre la santé mentale
le 30 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Explorez le rôle des personnes déléguées syndicales dans le soutien et la représentation des membres vivant avec des problèmes de santé mentale. Apprenez comment contrer la stigmatisation et comment amorcer la conversation autour des potentiels problèmes de santé mentale d’un membre.

SDS - Créer des lieux de travail sans harcèlement
le 30 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Apprenez à reconnaître les signes de harcèlement, à informer les membres sur le harcèlement et à représenter les membres qui sont impliqués dans les plaintes pour harcèlement.

SDS - Les bases de l'économie pour les personnes déléguées syndicales
le 1 mai 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Nous entendons continuellement parler du fait que les riches continuent à s’enrichir et que les pauvres continuent à s’appauvrir. Comment est-ce que ces tendances influencent nos vies en tant que travailleurs et membres d’un syndicat ? Qu’est-ce qui est attendu de nous en tant que personne déléguée syndicale durant cette période d’inégalité économique croissante ?

SDS - Le pouvoir de la mobilisation au travail
le 1 mai 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Les personnes déléguées syndicales peuvent jouer un rôle clé quand le syndicat a besoin d’outiller nos membres, que ce soit pour soutenir le comité de négociation ou stopper les tentatives de l’employeur de sous-traiter notre travail. Apprenez-en plus sur la théorie de la mobilisation et explorez comment les personnes déléguées syndicales peuvent s’attaquer aux problèmes de façon à impliquer plus de membres et faire croître le pouvoir du syndicat.

SDS - Sensibilisation à l’alphabétisation
le 2 mai 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

L’enjeu de l’alphabétisation nous affecte tous au travail. Apprendre à utiliser de nouveaux logiciels, comprendre les conventions collectives, remplir des formulaires ou écrire des rapports sont quelques-uns des obstacles qui peuvent se dresser sur la route de nos membres. Apprenez aussi comment les personnes déléguées syndicales peuvent améliorer la conscientisation au sujet de l’alphabétisation, et aider à rendre le syndicat plus inclusif et accessible aux membres.

Health and Safety Level 1

Staying Alive While Earning a Living
le 28 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

This module is the introduction to the Centre’s 30 hour Level 1 health and safety awareness program. It introduces the action objective for the program—to building solidarity through education and action to remove workplace hazards and enhance worker well-being. Through small and large group discussions participants think critically about health and safety concerns and discover the true causes of accidents. They explore how management and union health and safety goals for health and safety differ and the implications of these differences. The module concludes by introducing a framework for advancing union health and safety goals—continuous bargaining.

Violence in the Workplace
le 28 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

This program will raise awareness of workplace violence and encourage participants to press for changes in the workplace to eliminate or control this hazard.

The Body in the Workplace
le 29 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Many employers focus on safety conditions, often ignoring workers health when dealing with the hazards that affect workers’ well-being. The position of union health and safety advocates, however, is to safeguard both the health and safety of their members. To do this they must learn about the hazards found in the workplace and how they affect the body. This module helps participants on that journey. Through brainstorming activities, active discussions, worksheets and a video, participants learn about the body’s various systems. They explore how toxic substances cause damage to the three main sites of the body—where they enter, circulate and exit. Participants discover that workplace hazards can be divided into six categories. They examine how time factors play a role in the way hazardous substances affect the body through such terms as acute, chronic, latent and synergy. Participants make the link that workplace hazards are responsible for workplace injury, illness and disease. They then understand the importance of being thorough when examining health and safety concerns presented to them. In making the connection between health effects and workplace hazards, participants will wisely target control at the source, whenever possible to eliminate them.

Toxic Substances
le 29 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Toxic Substances module focuses on chemical hazards, identifies workplace carcinogens and workers who are at risk of developing cancer. The module discusses the employer’s unilateral right to introduce chemicals into the workplace. Some common terms describing chemical characteristics and types of toxic substances are discussed and include a video “Workplace Toxins.” The module also covers the states of matter and the various ways in which substances are released in the workplace. The three major elements of WHMIS—labels, sheets and worker education—are discussed in some detail, and emphasis is given to material safety data sheets and the importance of knowing the incompatibility of some chemicals and how they can transform and react when mixed. The module discusses the idea of starting the continuous bargaining process when a new material safety data sheet comes into the workplace. Exposure limits regulations are discussed, describing the terms used to measure them, cautioning that just because it is the law does not necessarily mean that it is safe. A discussion is prompted about how to inspect for toxic substances, the need for union involvement in air monitoring, and sources of chemical substance information that can be used for research and critical review of substances. The impact of extended producer responsibility (EPR) on the workplace is discussed. The module wraps up with a discussion on how MSDSs, WHMIS regulations and other methods can be leveraged to protect worker health and safety.

Principles of Control
le 30 avril 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

This module outlines the 5-point criteria for an effective control measure, the 3-levels or hierarchy of controls (at the source, along the path and at the worker) and the various control measures that fall under this structure. The application of the hierarchy of controls, its recognition under specific jurisdictions and the true cost of controls are discussed in detail. The module also considers the continuous bargaining concept as it applies to bargaining for effective control measures and improving workplace conditions.

It's the Law
le 30 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

It’s the Law identifies the Canadian occupational health and safety (OHS) jurisdictions and discusses which jurisdiction is responsible for each participant’s workplace. The role of law in continuous bargaining and using it as legal leverage is discussed. Participants learn the basics of reading the Act (or Code, for Federal) ensuring that participants follow the examples using their own Act, and on the relationship between the Act, regulation and standards. Duties of various parties are discussed, with emphasis on the duties of the employer and how union health and safety representatives can leverage these duties for the benefit of their members. The Criminal Code amendments from the Westray Bill are reviewed and the expected standard of care is related to OHS legislated duties. The module discusses the three basic rights of workers, with an in-depth review of the right to refuse unsafe work. Enforcement of the law is covered through the role of health and safety inspectors/safety officers and through orders and charges. Appeal of orders is discussed briefly.

Making Work Fit the Worker
le 30 avril 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

Workers across Canada are suffering musculoskeletal disorders regardless of what sector they work in or the type of work they do. This module begins with a BINGO activity which uncovers the multifaceted and widespread nature of poor ergonomics revealing the often unseen hazards associated with this workplace hazard. A video verifies that poor work design results in MSDs and provides an example of a successful solution, demonstrating the importance of applying ergonomic principles to address the hazards of MSDs. The factors contributing to MSDs are explored and defined through brainstorming sessions, discussions and worksheet activities. Drawing upon participants own examples of their work experiences, participants role play the part of worker members and management. They formulate proposals and strategies and practice their bargaining skills to address occupational MSDs. In the end participants learn that eliminating MSDs simply means making the work fit the worker and not the other way around.

The Myth of Worker Carelessness
le 1 mai 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) approaches have been introduced by employers across a vast cross-section of workplaces – from manufacturing to health care and education. But what is Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS)? Whose goals for health and safety are met by BBS approaches? What kind of approach will advance the union’s goals for health and safety and how can we work to win such an approach in our workplaces? These are the questions posed by this module. The first session of the module explains Behaviour-Based Safety and gives participants a chance to analyze it. The second session contrasts behaviour-based safety with a hazard-based approach to health and safety. It also provides participants with a chance to develop strategies that will advance the union’s goals for health and safety.

Workplace Stress
le 1 mai 2025 (13 h à 16 h) (complêt)

The module is intended to increase awareness of issues surrounding occupational stress. Described as the plague of modern civilization, workplace stress is a steadily worsening problem for workers, not only in Canada, but around the world. While many people are interested in adopting healthy lifestyles and while the merits of regular exercise and a healthy diet are well recognized, very little attention is given to addressing one of the major causes of stress in our society, the workplace. Workers who develop stress related problems are often seen as weak or deficient in some way; the promotion of better coping responses is the most frequent response. The problem with individual coping solutions is that they provide short term relief only, while root causes continue to fester. This module reviews the health effects of too much stress, including impaired immune systems, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, musculoskeletal disorders, poor mental health and diminished overall health. It goes on to discuss the features of the workplace that cause or contribute to stress. Finally, it suggests ideas for tackling this problem. With greater awareness of the health effects of stress and its causes, we can begin to view this genuine workplace hazard as a shared problem that affects us all and one that requires a collective response, directed to root causes.

Worker Representatives
le 2 mai 2025 (9 h à midi) (complêt)

Worker representatives play a vital role in representing the interests of workers under the Internal Responsibility System (IRS) recognized in OHS law across jurisdictions. This module outlines the general duties of worker representatives under each of the 14 jurisdictions and the functions and powers of committees and representatives. The importance of committee terms of reference, effective communications and use of the continuous bargaining concept are stressed. In work exercise #2, participants identify the information, consultation and terms of reference they require to be effective in their workplaces.

White Oaks Resort & Spa
235 Taylor Road SS4
Niagara on the Lake (Ontario)


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Daniela Greco