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le 20 et le 21 février 2025 | CUPE Saskatoon Area Office, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) | Anglais
SLS-Disability and Ableism in the Workplace (Feb. 20, 9-12)
SLS-Mediating Member to Member Conflict (Feb. 20, 1-4)
SLS-Duty of Fair Representation (Feb. 21, 9-12)
SLS-Grievance Handling (Feb. 21, 1-4)

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Stewarding
Please bring your collective agreement, steward handbook and passport.
le 23 au 26 février 2025 | Grant Hall Hotel, Moose Jaw (Saskatchewan) | Anglais | $575
Saskatchewan Winter School 2025

On behalf of CUPE Education Branch please find the program brochure at the following link:

Session 1 - Human Rights Days
Session 2 - Fundamentals of Labour Law
Session 3 - Stewarding Series

CUPE National has a vaccine policy and you can read it here:

The policy applies to CUPE National organized events, including Union Education workshops and National meetings and conferences.

All staff and members are encouraged to complete daily self-screening before attending any CUPE event, and to stay home if they are exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19, or any other infectious disease, including the flu, common cold, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), etc.

Masking and physical distancing of six feet is encouraged, but no longer mandatory.

In registering for this event, it is understood that you agree to comply with the protocols that may be established.
le 6 mars 2025 | CUPE Saskatoon Area Office, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) | Anglais
Quel est le rôle d'une personne déléguée syndicale ? Si vous êtes nouveaux dans votre rôle et vous voulez apprendre comment aider les membres du SCFP à résoudre des problèmes au travail, cet atelier d’introduction est pour vous !

Dans cet atelier, vous en apprendrez davantage sur :
• les enquêtes sur les problèmes au travail;
• le dépôt d’un grief;
• les réunions avec la direction;
• le traitement des plaintes au travail.

N.B. : s.v.p. apporter une copie de votre convention collective à l'atelier.
le 18 et le 19 mars 2025 | Holiday Inn Express & Suites, North Battleford (Saskatchewan) | Anglais
Financial Essentials - Tuesday, March 18/25, 9-4
Financial Officers - Wednesday, March 19/25, 9-4

Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees MUST attend Financial Essentials (Day 1) in order to attend Financial Officers (Day 2).

Please bring a copy of your local bylaws and a laptop computer.
le 31 mars au 1 avril 2025 | CUPE Saskatoon Area Office, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan) | Anglais
Financial Essentials - Monday, March 31/25 (9-4)
Financial Officers - Tuesday, April 1/25 (9-4)
Lunch: 12-1

Please bring a copy of your local bylaws and a laptop computer.

Secretary-Treasurers and Trustees must have attended Financial Essentials (Day 1) in order to attend Financial Officers (Day 2) of this training.

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