le 21 mars 2023
There are three sessions available:
9 am to 4:30 pm
1. Learning About First Peoples
2. Anti-Oppression / Anti Racism
3. Conflict at Work
Education Day is for Alberta members only.
Anti-Oppression / Anti-Racism
le 21 mars 2023 (9 h à 16 h 30 (rocheuses)) (7 places disponsibles)
This workshop is for local union executives and regional committees that are willing to open their minds to hearing and learning about the history of colonialism that has affected marginalized groups such as Indigenous peoples, Black people and racialized people for decades. The purpose of this workshop is to be open and willing to create the change that is needed in our union and communities.
Le conflit au travail
le 21 mars 2023 (9 h à 16 h 30 (rocheuses)) (complêt)
Le conflit est un aspect normal de nos vies. En apprenant à y faire face, nous améliorons nos relations avec d’autres membres, avec nos collègues de travail et avec notre employeur. Dans cet atelier, vous : • approfondirez votre compréhension du conflit; • renforcerez votre aptitude à communiquer;
Learning About First Peoples
le 21 mars 2023 (9 h à 16 h 30 (rocheuses)) (-1 places disponsibles)
Join us for this special opportunity to spend a day learning about and from the First Peoples of this land. The day will begin with a workshop where you will: • learn about Canada and Alberta’s history of colonialism; • engage in some myth-busting; • explore ways to build solidarity with Indigenous workers; and • find ways to be an ally to support reconciliation in the workplace and in our union. In the afternoon, you will deepen your understanding of First Peoples and their traditions by: • opening the circle to the stories and teachings of an Elder; • learning about the land we are gathering on; • receiving the teachings of the medicine bag; and • crafting medicine bags for the Aboriginal Council. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for Indigenous members in CUPE.
le 14 mars 2023
Fort McMurray (Alberta)
Note: the cost of Registration and Education Day can be on the same cheque made payable to CUPE Alberta and sent to
Colleen Nash
CUPE Alberta Secretary-Treasurer
#7 Gareth Place
St. Albert, AB T8N 3K5
If you need to cancel your registration, please email pkinahan@cupe.ca.
Thanks for your interest in CUPE’s online learning and for your ongoing leadership in our union!
Pour le bien-être et la santé de nos employé(e)s et autres visiteurs pour lesquel(le)s l’exposition a des produits parfumés porte des risques pour la santé, le SCFP institue la présente politique pour offrir à tous les employé(e)s et visiteurs un milieu sans parfums. L’utilisation de produits parfumés est interdite au bureau national du SCFP en tout temps. En outre, tous les produits utilisés pour le nettoyage doivent être non parfumés dans la mesure du possible. Les employé(e)s et visiteurs sont informés de la politique par l’entremise d’affiches dans nos immeubles.
Patty Kinahan