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Legislation introduced today by the Gordon Campbell government that would

impose massive wage rollbacks on 43,000 hospital and long-term care staff

while allowing for the continued privatization of health services is a

shocking betrayal of workers, say health unions.

«The Campbell Liberals continue to demonstrate nothing but disdain for

the women and men working on health cares front lines,» says HEU

secretary-business manager Chris Allnutt.

«Once again, this premier and his government have callously rewritten the

law to suit their privatization agenda in health care and violated the

legal rights of tens of thousands of workers in the process.

«Bill 37 is nothing short of a stinging indictment of this governments

failure to deal honestly, openly and cooperatively with those who deliver

health care to British Columbians,» adds Allnutt who also speaks for the

multi-union bargaining association.

Since their election in 2001, the government has used legislation to

impose agreements on doctors, nurses and paramedical professionals and to

rip up the last collective agreement negotiated by this group of health

care workers.

But Bill 37 is the first time the Campbell Liberals have imposed wage and

benefit cuts on a group of workers through legislation.